With parqueting bring nature into your home. Parquet flooring is different than regular wood flooring, The parquet floor is made of woodblocks glued together to create historic, geometric patterns and it is Everyone’s favorite with its Popular styles. Also, it goes with every environment. Our collection is available, check out our gallery for examples!
Installation and the pattern of the parquet flooring
parquet has a popular style of flooring. Parquet flooring Includes large squares and right angles for a traditional look. for Parquet, it requires a level sub floor so will need professional installation. Most parquet planks can be glued to concrete but make sure first.
The heating system should be turned off a few hours before installation. there is a possibility of damage from overheating the wood so Make sure the system is set and designed for use beneath wood flooring.
How to restore parquet floors
Parquet needs routine caring, Just like any wood floor to guarantee that it stays looking good. But remember Any flooring can experience some fading when exposed daily to the sunlight.
Damaged, Missing, or crushed blocks! They can replace and cut, we even cut them to size. And After removing traces of old damaged blocks and leveling the floor.
If a floor is scratched, will need to hire a floor sander to sand it down. depending on the size and shape of the room, the sanding process will be carried out and be done by sanding machines. And for the hard areas to reach like on staircases use small sanders. when it is all done your parquet will be smooth and touch.
Where did parquet flooring come from
parquetry has a wealthy history back to the 17th century, From its name, you must have already guessed its Originality. it was first used in France in the 17th century, Parquet become in the whole world for its endless beauty.
Parquet flooring is not the most inexpensive way to floor a room, but with some professional care and skill your parquet floor can become a very important interest to any type of room. Also, Parquet floors are most common in older houses in South Africa.
How to Treat Parquet Floors
keep your parquet flooring as clean and fresh as possible By Do daily cleaning, Use a soft brush or broom or cloth to dry, and remove dust from the floor, but vacuuming sweeping a couple of times a week can help.
It’s important to Wipe the liquid on the floor immediately When spills happen, using a cloth or a sponge. It is also important not to use vinegar In the case of oiled parquet to avoid ruining it. Use special cleaning products for wood floors Instead of regular soap. You can also use rugs under moving furniture such as chairs or even the areas you know there’s a possibility of scratches or dents to avoid scratches.
Alchemist parquet flooring
Wood parquet is gorgeous, natural and last a lifetime, an option that brings character and warmth to your house.
Parqueting is popular today and can be found in many modern house and businesses throughout the world.
For expert parquet flooring in London and the UK, you can rely on Alchemist to deliver exceptional results. Get in touch with us today to learn more, or to arrange for a quotation – we’re here to help. Simply give us a call on 07379393270 .
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